Mixed greens salad with sautéed pear and Parmigiano Reggiano

Very quick and easy salad – perfect for weeknight dinner starter or for a dinner party.

serves: 4        difficulty: easy      prep time: 10 min


  • 2 Bosc pears
  • 1 lbs mixed greens
  • 2 tsb balsamic vinegar
  • 5 tbs extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbs butter
  • 8 oz grated Parmigiano Reggiano


First make the dressing. Place the balsamic vinegar and olive oil in a small glass jar that has a lid (I use leftover jars from things like jams). Close the lid and shake vigorously. Dressing is ready.

Quarter the pears and remove the stem and seeds.  Then slice each quarter pear in 3 slices lengthwise. You should have 24 slices.  Heat a fry pan, and melt the butter in it. Add the pear slices without overcrowding the pan. Saute the pear slices for 1 min on each side. Depending on the size of your pan you may have to saute the pear in batches. Transfer the pear slices from the pan onto a plate, and let them cool off for 3-4 min.

Add the dressing to the greens, and mix well.

Place the greens in salad plates, and top with the sautéed pear slices. Grate Parmigiano Reggiano on each plate.



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